Beards.... How Many of Us Have Them?

I already posted tonight but I wanted to shoot out one more short post. Is that against the law? I've been thinking about beards a lot lately and over the years I have shared my theory about beards to anyone who would listen. Here's how it goes:

"On first meeting a stranger, a beard will never up the face value of that person. It will either cause a neutral to negative affect."

"Beards look sweet on people that you already know and look especially sweet when they're not on your own face."

I have seen my theory pan out time and time again and I am sticking to it. Anyway, I've been growing my beard out for quite some time now and once you get past the itchy and uncomfortable stage (as Rones will atest) having a beard can actually be a lot of fun. Here are some beard shots I recently took:

Me and Rones looking like real mountain men.

What just cause I have a beard? (That's what I was thinking)

Alas, tonight my beard was trimmed into a goatee. We shall see how long before I revert back to a shaven face. Thus is the life of a beard my friends. Enjoy them while they last because everyone knows most beards can't live forever. (I wish I could insert a montage of beards here with "Forever Young" playing in the background)

1 comment:

Roonie said...

I think it works for you.