Fill Us Diller

It's always insightful to see what drives the people around you. Some may be driven by food or money or family or the want for love. What drives you people to get up in the morning and do the everyday hustle?

Complete this sentence:

I live for ____________________. (could be many words or a few)

(p.s. HAPPY FRIDAY people)


archana said...

i have been thinking about this all day. nice work.

i live for playing, eating, giggling, watching movies, travelling, dancing, reading, discovering new tunes, overanalyzing, loving the people around me and discovering new people to love. oooh and for puppies that bounce when they walk.

Ranjit said...

I live for making the lives of other people better. I like to believe that the lives of those people would be different if I didn't exist.

On a side note, krops for the Phyllis Diller reference. I don't think I know anyone else under the age of 50 who knows who Phyllis Diller is.

Anonymous said...

I live for my family. I mean there's a bunch of other things that get me going but.... that is the biggest motivating factor hands down!

chai said...

i live for...ending gender based violence. i live for peace. i live for truth. i live for adventure and traveling. i live for love and loving. i live for community.

what do you live for?

Vaman said...
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Vaman said...

good ones people. i, myself, live for: random nights talking about life with the people you love, GRILLED food, handmade tacos (with delicious salsa), the perfect slow dance, looking at the stars on a clear night, my little cousins in India, my hometown and my family.

John said...

I live for my routine,
so that when I complete my routine,
I can have time to do something that wasn't part of my routine.

Vaman said...

wow john, that's pretty awesome. i've been trying to get into a fitness and health routine and i totally know what you mean! good call!

Esha said...

Loving, learning, family, peace, non-violence, understanding, open-mindedness, friends, babies, vino, food, smiles, laughter, happiness, spontaneity, travelling, literature. :)